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About me

My name is Evangeline Morrison. I am a senior at Burr and Burton Academy. I am 17 years old and I live in Winhall, Vermont. At BBA I play Field Hockey and Tennis, these are both sports that I started in High School and I am very thankful that I did. Though I enjoy playing sports, I don't consider them to be what I am good at or what I am completely passionate about. Since before I could talk I have loved to sing and that along with my dramatic personality has drawn me to theatre since a young age. In High School, I have not taken advantage of any of the theatre opportunities but I have never stopped thinking about it. I was in multiple productions in elementary and middle school, both in school and at the Dorset Playhouse. On my free time I listen to show tunes and indie pop music, I ski, and more than anything I spend time with my family and friends. I have 2 brothers, Turner (19) and Jack (14). I am very close with both of them, Turner more than Jack. I love to read but not in an educational way, I like to read books like Love, Rosie and We Were Liars where when reading it you feel like you're in the middle of a rom-com and can't put the book down. 

I've always liked school but beginning last year it has become more difficult for me with college fast approaching and anxiety coming with it. I am motivated by my parents to continue to try my best in school though that has also become increasingly difficult. My favorite class I'm taking right now is AP Biology and in the past, my favorite classes have been Anatomy and Physiology and AP Language and Composition. I don't know how I became interested in nursing or the classes involving the human body but they are some of the classes that I find easy to pay attention in because I am truly interested. I liked lang for a few reasons, first of which being that I had an amazing teacher, Mr. Nicholson, and second that I love to write. I used to write songs and poetry and it is something that I like to do when given a creative prompt. 


I am taking cinematography not only because I've heard so many good things about the class but because I want to learn how to edit videos for youtube and for myself. I don't aim to make a career out of the arts as I am going to nursing school in the fall but I want to have cinema as a creative outlet.   

Movie genre:  Romantic comedy

Favorite Movies: Love, Rosie, The Notebook, One Small Hitch, The Greatest Showman, Mamma Mia, Rent


Biggest Character Turn Off: talking about "friends" behind their backs

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