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I interviewed Asa and edited the video. I think this turned out well for my first video with people. I don't think I did as well as I could have with the B-Roll and if I spent more time on that part I could definitely make it better and more personal to what he was saying. I also wish I had talked to Asa about the music in the background and correlated it with his music taste. As far as filming it, I don't love the shot as I wish his shoulders were in it instead of just his neck. I think with the footage that was obtained, I did a good job piecing it together. I like this interview and I think it represents Asa well, though there is room for improvement.


I was behind the camera for this interview. Though this does follow the rule of thirds, it could be better. The lighting could be better by placing a light on both sides of Steven's face instead of just the one in his eyes- I think this is what caused the awkward shadow. Speaking of lighting, I wish the lighting was brighter instead of so orangy. I think filming will become easier as I learn to use the equipment more and don't have to rely on others for help so much, that way I'll get the product I want. 

Interview 2, Chloe

I like this interview more than my first. I think the lighting and camera work improved drastically. However, if I were to have more time to spend working on this I would make sure the B-Roll was better quality and add more of a variety of music/sounds. Another thing I would change is I would try and minimize the background noise- which is something I want to learn how to do.  Compared to my first interview I tried to edit this to look less choppy and to make the questions and answers flow better, to do this I chopped it all up and had to rearrange the answers from the order I asked them in, to make it flow better I added a funny transition which I thought helped recognize Chloe's personality. 

Being Interviewed

I enjoyed being interviewed. Looking back I think I look very awkward on camera, but I don't think I talked in an awkward way. If I were to be interviewed again, I would fidget less and pay attention more to my interviewer. 

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